In Pregnancy every women have lots of queries and confusion. Every mother has fear of doing wrong which can adversely affect their baby in womb more over they are facing lotschanges in there body which is unusual for her. Below I will clear your common queries so that pregnant women can avoid visit to their doctor for small query-

Q. I feel lethargic and tired

Ans. It is normal in pregnancy. The hormonal changes in pregnancy are making you dull.

Q. I pass urine more frequently.

Ans. Your growing uterus irritates the bladder for a frequent sense of passing urine . If there is burning sensation ,then you need to be tested for urinary infection

Q. Could I feel my baby moving at 16 weeks ?

Ans. Each women notices her baby’s first movements at different stages. Women often start to feel flutters at around 16-17 weeks. But we are all different, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t notice them until 20-22 weeks. As the baby grows, these flutters will change to become quite recognized kicks.

Q. My breasts are no longer sore. Am I miscarrying ?

Ans.As you probably know , one of the first sign of pregnancy is painful /sore breasts , rather like what happens prior to a menstrual period. This sensation accurse in the first part of your pregnancy , the first trimester, caused by hormones and preparing you for breast feeding . If your breasts are no longer sore , this isn’t a cause for alarm , but is probably due to things setting down as you get further into your pregnancy . Speak to your doctor if you have any other concerns.

Q. I have lost a lot of weight and am now pregnant am anxious not to put it back on . What should I be eating ?

Ans. It is important to maintain a healthy weight in pregnancy and also to eat a balanced diet . Your body will need carbohydrate but is about trying to eat the better ones which are called complex cabs such as whole meal bread and brown rice and lots of fruits and vegetables .

Where possible you should try to avoid sweet sugary foods and anything with white flour egg cakes , biscuits etc.

You should try to reintroduce carbohydrates from the complex cabs group as it will not cause such a dramatic change in your blood sugar / insulin levels .

Both you and your baby will require a balanced intake of food based on all the food groups that is proteins ( pulses , chicken , meat ) starchy food ( carbohydrate ) dairy (milk / cheese ) good fats (oily , fish ) and at least 5 portions of vegetables and fruit each day . Also try to drink at least 8 glasses of water .

Q. Is it safe for me to exercise during my pregnancy ?

Ans. Yes , exercising when you are pregnant is good for both you and your baby . The more active and fit you are during pregnancy the better . Be sensible through , and don’t take up something new and strenuous when you are pregnant , walking , swimming , low impact aerobics , yoga and gentle cycling are usually fine . Don’t exhaust yourself and anticipate that you may not be quite as energetic as your pregnancy progresses .If in doubt consult your doctor . Pregnancy is not the time to start horse riding , roller balancing ,scuba diving , circuit training , high impact aerobics or anything else that involves a high degree of balance as the change in your centre of gravity and your weight gain increase the risk of injury .It is important that you do not risk injury to your abdomen or compress it too much when exercising – take advise from a experienced instructor .

Q. Can I swim ?

Ans. Swimming is an excellent from of exercise during pregnancy , however you should avoid breaststrokes . This is the motion can put extra strain on the lower back. Many women complain of lower back pain in pregnancy ,breast strokes can make the problem verse therefore it is better to avoid this . But do continue to swim if that is your chosen form of exercise / relaxation

Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy ?

Ans. Sex for most couples is an important aspect of there lives together . Some couples experience a new dimension to their sex lives when a women is pregnant , but for some couples it may be concern , worries about safety are normal and in our experience people are afraid of harming the baby or causing a miscarriage . There is no medical evidence that sex in pregnancy harm the baby . Your baby is well cushioned and protected by the muscles of the wall of the uterus and by the bag of waters . There is also a mucus plug , which seats of the neck of the uterus (womb ). No injury to mother and baby will occur during gentle loving sex .

However in the following circumstances we suggest caution :

  • If you have a tendency to miscarriage , your doctor may suggest that you avoid sexual intercourse for three months of pregnancy
  • If you have a history of premature labor you might choose to avoid sex during the later stages of your pregnancy .
  • If you have a confirmed low lying placenta which will have been diagnosed following a scan , your doctor may advise you so avoid sexual intercourse during the pregnancy.

Remember there is more to love making than sexual intercourse . Encourage your partner to be imaginative and creative .

Q. Can I climb stairs and how many ?

Ans. You can and there is no limitation as long as you are not overdoing it . It does Not increase your risk of miscarriage

Q. I have to sit for long in the office

Ans. Take small breaks to walk . Sit in correct posture to avoid backache .

Q. What should I wear ?

Ans. Anything comfortable and stylish to ease off your blues .

Q. Why do women get constipated when they are pregnant ?

Ans. It is quite common to become constipated when you are pregnant . The pregnancy hormones which soften all your muscles and ligaments make the muscles of your intestines relax so that they cannot move food through your intestines as quickly as usual another reason is that as your pregnancy progresses and the womb gets bigger it can put pressure on the bowel and make it difficult for it . The iron tablets that are prescribed for anemia can also cause constipation . Here are some suggestions that may improve the symptoms of constipation . Make sure that you have lots of fiber ( whole meal bread , cereals and plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet )

  • Drink as much as you can , especially water and fruit juice . some women find that drinking tea and coffee can make constipation .
  • When you are opening your bowels ( passing stools ) ,try and relax as much as possible Take your time .
  • Take regular exercise

If it becomes a serious problem than you will need to speak to your doctor .

Q . Is it safe to fly while pregnant ?

Ans. Most airlines are happy to carry pregnant women up to 28 weeks without any problem . It may be necessary to latter from your doctor to confirm that you are healthy and fit . Pregnancy put women at increased risk of thrombosis ( blood clot ) and flying increases this risk further . Wearing support stockings helps reduce the risk and these are easily available . It is good idea to ensure you move around during the flight to keep your circulation going and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration in the dry atmosphere of the plane .

Q. When will I get a bump ?

Ans. Every women bump start to show at different stages . your uterus which is home to your baby for the next 30-40 days is usually hidden in your pelvic area . As your uterus grows it will gradually emerge .For most women this happens around 12-16 weeks . But for some it is not until 18-20 weeks that a bump becomes obvious .

Q. My abdomen is really itchy , is this normal ?

Ans. Some women do experience itchiness in pregnancy , which is likely to be associated with hormonal changes , or the fact of your skin growing and stretching over your abdomen .

In some rare situations women develop a condition called obstetric cholestasis , in which the liver is not functioning optimally and which would require medical attention.

Q. Can I use my inhalers in pregnancy ?

Ans. As for as your inhalers go , as long as they have been prescribed by your doctor for you , knowing that you are pregnant , they should be quite safe to use , and unlikely to harm your baby . If you have a medical condition like asthma , it is important you follow medical advise through your pregnancy , as an asthma attack could harm both you and your developing baby . Remember to drink plenty , do gentle exercises and enjoy the fresh air .

Late in pregnancy :
Q .I feel short of breath and anxious .

Ans. It is part of pregnancy hormones and growing size of the baby .

Q. I feel throbbing pain in my vagina

Ans. That is due to pressure effect of the baby .

Q. My uterus hardens for a while and then relaxes .

Ans. In the third trimester you expect Braxton hicks contraction , which are very normal part of pregnancy and they are not to be confused with labor pain .